Patient Resources

24 Hour
Referral Line:

Medical History Form

Patient Admission Form

Courtesy Dosing Form

NWIH provides methadone at the following clinics:

  • 3727 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409 / Phone: 253-300-7474
  • 9720 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499 / Phone: 253-503-3666

Suboxone Copay Assistance

Vivitrol Copay Assistance & Providers

Washington Recovery Hotline: 1-866-789-1511

NA Meetings in Pierce County

AA Meetings in Pierce County

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

National Institute On Drug Abuse

Stop Overdose!

  • Recovery Coaching

    Our recovery coaches provide you the resources to acquire the skills and tools necessary to regain your life during the recovery.

Helpful Resources
Patient Forms

Medical History Form
Patient Admission Form

Click on the forms and print them directly from your internet browser window. Fill the forms completely with all your information and bring them to the clinic.

Recovery Coaching

Recovery coaches at NWIH are trained professionals who help with navigating the system and guide clients in identifying and removing barriers to recovery. These professionals with shared experiences motivate behavior change, coach relationship building, and connect you to social services such as housing, life skills, education, crisis management, job assistance, and family support. 

A large fraction of our patient population lives in poverty and lacks basic resources before and during their struggles with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This is a major impediment to their recovery from SUD.

Our Recovery Coaches assist clients in gaining the skills and tools necessary for survival, which addiction may have destroyed for them. Our Recovery Coach team along with the assistance of other departments and staff members is willing to walk with our clients through every step of their recovery journey.

Call Us Today! 253-200-0300

meet our recovery coach

recovery coach Reginald Blackman at NWIH clinic

Reginald Blackman

Recovery Coach

I have been a recovery coach at NWIH since 2018. I assist clients in gaining the skills and tools for survival which addiction might have destroyed or which a client may have never had. I help clients open bank accounts, get bus passes and routes, shelter, housing, ID cards, food, clothing, telephones, insurance, and anything else they might need.

I chose this job because I remember a time in my life when everyone I knew was using drugs in one way or another and because I have been personally touched by addiction.

A large fraction of my clients live in poverty and lack basic resources before and during their struggles with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This is a major impediment to recovery from SUD.

Life is complicated, and I am willing to walk my clients through every small step of putting their lives together. If a client lacks health insurance, I will refer them to NWIH’s intake coordinator to get insurance. If a client needs peer counseling, mental health counseling, a free phone, or any other skill or tool imaginable, I will either provide it myself or communicate the need to someone at NWIH who can fulfill it. I love my job because I can see my hard work reflected in the fact that my clients are getting stronger and stronger. I refer to my NWIH coworkers as “the dream team”. Working together, we can accomplish anything.